

Toronto Star

TORONTO OUT Catrholic Elementary School board strike_21/5/03_TG_ Christopher Metcalf of Blessed Sacrement Elementary school races by for the puck during a game at Rinx recreation centre. Vic Casale, a parent of one of the children, organized the event. (Tobin Grimshaw/Toronto Star/Digital image)

Michael Phelan, Grade 4

Hockey is amazing! It’s like a pot of gold that I just found. When I walk into the rink, I get on my skates and speed onto the ice like a cheetah. When I come home, I tell everyone about it! Hockey is amazing!

When I play hockey, it’s truly amazing! When I walk into the hockey rink and I smell the terrible smell of the locker room, somehow, it makes me feel home! I hear the other kids on the ice and the crowd cheering and it makes my heart pound as fast as a race car going 200 mph! It is amazing to play hockey. When I am on the smooth ice and I score, I feel as if I am the king of the world! That is almost as amazing of a feeling as if I just won the Stanley Cup!

Hockey is amazing! This incredible sport keeps me up when I’m down! I could never miss one minute of the game! I love hockey and all the fantastic things that come with it!