Success at the Albany Academy Blood Drive
November 10, 2015
The core values of the Albany Academies are service, integrity, ingenuity, self discipline, responsibility, respect, compassion and perseverance. To assure that each and every student of the Albany Academies upholds these values, each student is required to participate in a club. Each club contributes in some way or another to the community, whether directly to the school or to our neighbors. The emphasis placed on community service ensures that all eight of these core values are exercised.
The Red Cross Club and benefactors have a lot to be proud of because on October 28th, when the Albany Academies held its annual blood drive, over 50 pints of blood were donated. This was a very difficult goal to achieve, but with the help of the American Red Cross we were able to donate seven pints more than we did last fall. The amount of blood collected can potentially save 150 lives; although this is an optimistic approximation, the Red Cross more than appreciates what we’ve done for our community. We are also proud of the fact that twenty of the fifty donors were first-time donors. This demonstrates the hard work that the club put in to encourage students and faculty to join the cause.
The volunteers from our school and workers provided by the American Red Cross were very appreciative. The overwhelming support left the Red Cross impressed. We had so many volunteers during our shifts that many were told to come back later. The education provided and the character-building that took place was astounding. Through communication and hard work the eight core values were exemplified.
We were also one of the first schools to try out a new ‘rapid pass’ technology, where donors registered on their mobile devices before giving blood. Although the technology was not widely used, the few who did used it shaved a lot of time off their visit.
Erin Wascavage, Senior Account Manager at American Red Cross, stated in an email: “That is the kind of all-around teamwork that makes this job so rewarding! Please thank everyone involved!” Donors, volunteers and staff were greatly appreciated in the drive. Keep eyes and ears out for our next drive and be sure to participate. Although our efforts cost only a few hours of time, it will impact the world in a major way.